New Semester

I’ve just started my 2nd semester this Wednesday, and also got my results for 1st semester on the same day. I got 4A+ and 1B. Was slightly disappointed when I found out I got a B, but felt like it was fine after I found out a lot of people had to retake the paper or even the subject! Thank god it’s a pass! I read about qualifications to get Dean’s List, it seems that I have to get 80% and above for average of all subjects for that semester. I calculated mine was 85%+. CGPA was I think 3.95. I know I am being very paranoid, even it’s just my first semester. The thing is, I don’t really prioritised my exam according to the importance of it, like whether it’s a small paper or a government exam, I take exams equally seriously. I always make sure I do my best as not to regret when I get my results.

Okay imma gonna change the topic, I guess I’m boring my readers.
This week has been less boring I guess? I think having a good hand phone really helps! Not to mention it’s a life saver! I was able to check my timetable online right before the class, preventing me from further embarassment, eg. entering the wrong class :p Had been updating my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook often.

Follow me on tiffanyh2810 @Instagram 🙂

First picture I took with my white S2 ♥
@Coffee Bean
I find this so amusing.

Roast chicken with butter rice, sweet corn and potato wedges 😀

A very pale picture of me I took yesterday.
Roots are showing! Need to dye my hair by middle of this year!

Signing off ♥